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Sharp, shooting, throbbing facial pain is not normal and usually occurs due to nerve irritation.
Facial Pain is typically sharp, burning, throbbing, electric type pain that indicates underlying nerve irritation. Facial pain is typically triggered by facial movement, chewing, brushing teeth or even light touch or cool air on the skin.
Causes of facial pain include:
Facial pain is one of the worst pain syndromes which can lead to disability and isolation. Facial pain should be evaluated by a Neurologist to discover the underlying cause and gain pain relief.
At HA Brain & Spine Center our Headache sub-specialist is an expert in head and face pain with years of experience dealing with the nerves of the face. Dr. H Walia conducts a thorough evaluation including Neurological assessment and examination combined with brain imaging and diagnostics to determine the underlying cause of facial pain.
Though most physicians approach facial pain with pain killers, Dr. H Walia understands nerve pain is complex and must be treated in a multifaceted approach. Pain killers often lead to addiction, side effects and over time provide minimal relief requiring increased dosages. Dr. H Walia's philosophy is always to treat the underlying cause of pain. We do not prescribed opioid or narcotics but instead utilize a comprehensive approach for long lasting true relief. Your treatment may include neuropathic medication, topical anesthetics, acupuncture, nerve block procedures and in some cases Botox injections in order to provide long lasting relief.
If you are suffering in silence please give us a call to see how we can help.
HeadacheAwayMD- Brain & Spine Center
2440 Samaritan Drive Suite # 2, San Jose, California 95124, United States
Ph: 408-706-5500/408-706-5505 Fax:408-540-7361
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